Back to School Information

Here are some important reminders as we prepare for the start of school on Tuesday, September 7th…

1) First Day of School

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 7th. Supervision on the school field will begin at 8:30am. School begins at 8:55am. Classes will be dismissed at 10:30am that day.

There will be no assembly on the first day of school this year (more details to come as a part of our COVID planning)

2) Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

The Drop Off and Pick Up procedures from last year proved to be very safe and effective and will be only slightly altered for the start of this school year.

Before School

Students in Grades 4 to 7 are to enter the school field by the southwest gate or the new gate right next to the playground. They will lineup on the field at designated spots which will be marked to start the year.

Students in Grade K to 3 are to enter the “intermediate blacktop” area by the large gate closest to the school. They will line up on the blacktop at designated spots which will be marked to start the year.

Parents are welcome to socialize and gather outside the gates but we ask that parents continue to respect that boundary.

After School

The same procedures will be in place in reverse. Students will begin coming outside to their lineups at 2:55pm. Upon seeing their parents, students will be dismissed by their teacher.

3) Uniform Reminder

We will be returning to a more rigorous enforcement of uniform expectations this year. Please be sure your child’s uniform adheres to our uniform expectations listed here.

Students will continue to be permitted to wear their PE Uniform on days on which they have PE classes.

4) COVID Safety Plan

Our Health and Safety Committee is meeting on Wednesday afternoon to finalize the details of our COVID Safety Plan. Some things that can be expected in their plan include: a gradual return to gatherings like assemblies and school Masses, the reintroduction of extra-curricular activities, the reintroduction of parent volunteers in the school, and clear mask requirements.

For the first day of school the most important thing is to know that masks are required for all adults and students in Grades 4 to 7 and are recommended for students in Grade K to 3.

Please be sure to do a daily health check before sending your child to school each day. You can access the government’s health check website here.

5) Class Lists

Class lists will be sent home on Friday, Sept. 3rd. These lists are provided as a courtesy to help your child prepare for school. They are not subject to change.

6) Playground Access

Children accompanied by a parent may play on the Intermediate field and playground after school until 4pm. Students not accompanied by a parent may not play on the playground.

7) Stay Informed

Our website is updated regularly and a summary is sent home via email each Thursday. Please make sure you are subscribed to receive email updates.