Quick Welcome Back Check-In From Mr. Borkowski

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

I am so excited to welcome everyone back to Star of the Sea School for the 2021/2022 school year. I am just writing to give you a quick update and hopefully inject a little more excitement into the return to school.

COVID will continue to be an issue as we re-open schools.  The provincial government has released new guidelines for schools, and I am working on updating our protocols to provide a safe environment that allows kids to be kids and for learning to happen in a warm, loving, and calm environment.  I am very happy with the guidelines, as they will allow for a resumption of so many of the activities we missed out on last year.  Stay tuned for details in the middle of next week.

There will also be an email from the office next week with important information about back to school.  Class lists will be shared with families on Friday, September 3rd.

There has been so much activity at the school over the summer and some pretty amazing upgrades that make our school more fun and even better looking than before.  Please enjoy the video below and start getting excited about back to school.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
