Important PPP Announcement

Dear Parents,

Our Parent Participation Program is vital to the success of the school.  It builds a sense of community, helps our staff focus on teaching, and lowers the costs of school maintenance.

At this time, our School Safety Plan is also vital to the success of the school.  It is helping protect our children and staff from COVID 19.  While no plan can guarantee the spread of this virus, we are doing everything we can and will continue to be diligent.

There are points where our Parent Participation Program and our School Safety Plan come into conflict.  When this happens, safety will always be prioritized.  Unfortunately, this means we are unable to open many jobs in our Parent Participation Program.   This has resulted in an unevenness in access to PPP opportunities.

We have decided to take our PPP in a new direction for the time being.  We are going to reduce the requirement for PPP by 40%, with the aim of fully re-opening PPP in January.  At the end of the year, parents will only be required to have done 60% of their usual PPP hours.  Those who “prepaid” rather than doing the hours, will have their withdrawal reduced by 40%.  This withdrawal will not take place until the beginning of January.  All this is done out of an abundance of safety, fairness, and transparency.  We will revisit our situation in December to see what the rest of the year looks like.

THE NEED FOR PARENT PARTICIPATION CONTINUES!  Instead of appealing to your sense of obligation, we are appealing to your sense of community and generosity.  Please continue to do the jobs that are still available, and much needed, around the school.  Your PPP hours are still counted towards your total and very much appreciated.

If you want to help out but your particular job is among those suspended, please contact your PPP coordinator to see what opportunities are available.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
