Grade One Weekly News

September 28th - October 2nd

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Dear Grade One parents,

We hope you had a chance to watch our introduction video, we enjoyed making it and explaining what is happening in Grade One this year. If you have any questions we will be hosting a virtual question time this Monday and we will try our best to answer them!

Last week in class we began learning about patterns, had a visit from Father Francis, and got to make a cute acorn man! This week we will continue to work on patterns, begin some graphing work, learn a new poem, start some activities connected to Fall and discuss our responsibilities at home and at school.

Looking forward to another great week!

Jacqui & Angela

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Monday 28th - Gym Runners - Grade One Google Meet Question Time 5-5:30 pm. Invite to be sent out Monday morning.

Wednesday 30th - Orange Dress Down - Gym Runners - Book Orders due online -

Thursday 1st - Sight Word Booklets due back

Jacqui Thomson