Back-to-School Details

September 3rd, 2020

Families of Star of the Sea School,

Thank you for your support and prayers over the past number of weeks as we prepare for the safe return of students on Thursday, September 10th.  I am so excited about getting to know your children and help them feel safe and happy at school.  It has been so long since we have been able to learn, play, and pray together.

Here are some details about the start of school to help you prepare: 

First Day of School: Thursday, September 10th (Gr 1-7)

We will have two sessions on our first day, each lasting two hours. This will allow for staff to review and practice the health and safety protocols with the children that we will be following with fewer students in each class at a time. 

Group One: 9:00am -11am - All families with last name beginning with the letter A to L

Group Two: 1:00pm - 3:00pm - All families with last name beginning with letters M to Z

Students should start arriving and lining up on the field 15 minutes before the start time.

Second Day of School: Friday, September 11th

Full day of school for all students except Kindergarten. Kindergarten students have their own staggered schedule which will be communicated to their families.

Class Lists

Class lists will be distributed to families on Friday, September 4th. These lists are provided as a courtesy to help your child look forward to the first day. Changes to class lists will not be made at this time.

Pick-Up/Drop-Off Routine

Our pick-up and drop off routine is detailed in our Safety Plan. 

In summary, parents are to drop their children off in the usual fashion, allowing them to enter the field to line up with their classes.  Parents are not to enter the field.  

After school, children will wait on the field and parents will approach the fence or wave from the parking lot and their children will be released to them. 

Please do not gather in groups and loiter in the parking lot before or after school.

Click this link to see a map of our pick-up and drop-off plan.

Visitors to the School

At this point visitors are discouraged from entering the school.  Please call the school office or send an email with any questions or concerns.

If anyone outside staff and students do need to enter the school for any reason, please call ahead to make an appointment.

Please note that students need to ensure they have brought all their food, homework, instruments and belongings for the day. We will not be able to accommodate mid-day deliveries.


Re-usable non-medical masks have been ordered through the provincially endorsed supplier and are supposed to be received here at the school in time for our first day.  Those masks will be sent home with the students to be labelled. 

If you would like your child to wear a mask on the first day of school, please send them with one from home that day.

School Uniform

Students will be expected to wear full uniform on the first day of school.  For the first two weeks of school, students will wear full uniform all day, including during PE classes.  After the first two weeks, we will consider the safest and most efficient way to have students change into their PE clothes.

Students should still bring their runners for PE.

As we will be spending as much time as possible learning outdoors, please be sure to provide them with a warm jacket with a hood.

Health Check

Parents are responsible for performing a health check with their child each day.  Students who exhibit any symptoms are required to stay home.  Please call the office to inform us immediately if your child demonstrates symptoms of any illness. 

Click here for health check instructions.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We do plan on having adapted extra-curricular activities in the weeks to come.  There will be no extra-curricular activities during the first two weeks, but after that you can expect updates on things like Choir, Cross-Country, Soccer, and Volleyball. Inter school athletics are currently on hold, but we can still offer intramural programming.

Meet the Teacher Night

Our regular Meet the Teacher Night will have to be adapted. More information will be coming home soon.

Temporary Transition Option

For those families who have chosen the Temporary Transition Option more details will be coming home in the days ahead.


Thank you for your prayers, patience, and cooperation. Stay tuned to the news and your email as things continue to develop.


Mr. Jason Borkowski

