An Invitation Back to Sunday Mass From Mr. Borkowski

There is no point in denying it: participation in Sunday Mass is way down.  For a time, Churches were literally prohibited from celebrating in-person Mass due to COVID-19 restrictions.  Since the change of the Public Health Order and the allowance of gatherings again, the numbers at Sunday Mass for most parishes have not returned to pre-pandemic levels.  Why?

Certainly one reason is that the pandemic carries on infecting people: creating both physical and psychological barriers for many people.  There are those who meet the criteria, mentioned in Archbishop Miller’s July 13th Decree, for not being able to attend Mass at this time:

“As has always been the case, anyone with a “serious reason” or “grave cause” is excused from this obligation. In the case of the coronavirus pandemic, such reasons include: 

  • anyone who is sick, symptomatic, or has been recently exposed to the coronavirus;

  • anyone with significant health risk factors that requires them to avoid public spaces

  • anyone who cares for someone with significant risk factors;

  • anyone who cannot attend Mass through no fault of their own because of frailty or old age.”

While these criteria applies to some, it certainly doesn’t account for the entire drop in numbers at Sunday Mass.  There are many who have psychological barriers to returning to Mass.  The idea of gathering again is too uncomfortable after almost two years of avoiding such gatherings.  The anxiety aroused by the thought of going to Mass is real and should not be dismissed.

For others, the “break” from going to Mass provided by the restrictions simply got them out of the habit.  An overall malaise and ambivalence seem to have set in that is hard to shake.

Whatever the reason for not attending, I urge you to do everything you can to come back as soon as you can.  There is no judgment of your reasons, just a hopeful invitation for you to come back.  You are loved and welcomed and wanted at Mass.

Over the course of the next two months we will share blogs, videos, and testimonials on our school website to educate, encourage, and inspire a new love for the Mass.  Please consider these resources with an open heart.