Why Sports Are Awesome

The Grade Seven Boys played their first game of the season yesterday. Normally that wouldn’t warrant a blog post, but after a year and a half without basketball, I just feel like I have to celebrate. Bear with me, there is a lesson at the end.

We travelled to Cloverdale Catholic School. CCS has one player who was head and shoulders the most talented basketball player on the floor. We fell behind 14-0 in the first quarter. I feared the worst, not of losing the game, but of our team losing heart.

We battled back! Amazing efforts by a variety of players. There were kids diving for loose balls, fighting against taller players for rebounds, playing aggressive defence. It was awesome. Not for one second did a single player on the team give up. We played hard, smart, and together and lost 26 to 14. As we left the gym, every player held their head high, knowing they had given it their all.

This is exactly why we need sports right now. Sports give kids opportunities to work together for a common goal. They learn to take care of each other, encourage each other, and feel proud of themselves and of their school in ways that classroom life can’t provide.

Way to go boys. You inspired this jaded old coach to look forward to our next game and the rest of the season!