Welcome Back Message from Mr. Borkowski

Friends and Families of Star of the Sea School,

Welcome back to a new school year! 

With each year, the summer seems to go by faster and faster. I feel like I woke up, and summer was over! You can see the full video of everything I did this summer here. I am grateful to be back and looking forward to a fantastic year ahead.

It is time to return to school and start a great year together as a Catholic school community. We especially welcome all of our new families and ask you to extend that welcome during the coming months. The office and teaching staff have been very busy getting everything ready for the first day of classes. We look forward to seeing all of you on September 3rd.

May God bless us as we return to school and give us the grace to be “Celebrating Our Faith” this school year! 


Mr. Jason Borkowski



Before I leave you and get ready to enjoy my long weekend, I have just a few short reminders.

First Day of School

On the first day of school, we will begin at our usual time of 8:55 am.  It’s a good idea to be here by 8:50 am to ensure you are on time. Dismissal on the first day of school is at 10:30 am. You are welcome to bring your children to the playground after school, but please be on time for pick-up. On usual school days, students should arrive at 8:50 am for our 8:55 am start time and be picked up at 3 pm. Wednesday, of course, is our early dismissal day with a 2:30 pm dismissal time.  Despite this being the case for many years, it is always amusing to see which long-time families forget to pick their children up on the first Wednesday of the school year. Try your best to remember!

We will continue our emphasis on responsibility and punctuality this year. Students who arrive after their class has been brought in in the morning will have to wait outside the office to be brought in altogether, usually around 9:10 am. These poor, late students also must endure my corny jokes and puns about being late, which is punishment in and of itself. Don’t be late!

Welcome New Staff Members

We are excited to welcome several new staff members for the coming year, including:


Mr. Aaron Malong (French)

Mrs. Mary-Anne Rachman (K)

Mrs. Nicole Hillard (5)

Mr. John Luyten (5)

Mrs. Angelica Agregado (K)

Educational Assistants

Mrs. Tracey Morey

Mrs. Babitha Baby

Class Lists

Class lists will be coming home today along with this email.  The lists are provided as a convenience for families.  A great deal of care went into their making, so please understand they cannot be changed.  It’s not always possible for everyone to get the friends they expect or want in their class.  I know this can be a source of stress for some, but we do have to learn to work with a wide variety of people.  The staff here has to get used to working with me!

AGM/Meet the Teacher Night

Our first community gathering of the school year will be Meet the Teacher Night at 6:45 pm on Wednesday, September 11th.  Childcare will be available.  If you are available to help with childcare that night, please sign up on the Parent Participation website.

Our first email newsletter, coming on Thursday, September 5th, will include more announcements. For now, I hope that you enjoy a safe and relaxing long weekend with your families. And kids, remember, God made you special, and he loves you very much.