Walk-a-thon Promotional Video

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

We are just over a week away from our Walk-a-thon!  Where has the time gone!  

I am making this short message in the hopes of getting you and your family excited about our walk-a-thon goals.  

Firstly I wish to remind you of our success last year.  Last year we donated 100% of our proceeds to CHALICE, including sponsoring major projects at Grapesyard Education Center in Kenya.  Our students also shopped in the Chalice Christmas Catalogue and ordered hundreds of items for children in need overseas.  In total, we raised $40000 for kids in need.  There is a detailed video on the success of last year's walkathon and the link will be provided at the end of this video.

This year we are keeping our connection with Chalice and donating 25% of funds raised in this year’s walk-a-thon to Chalice through their Christmas Catalogue program.  Each class will get to use their portion of the money raised to purchase any items they wish.  It is a fun and educational way for kids to get involved in charitable giving.

The remaining 75% of funds raised will stay here at Star of the Sea where they will go towards finishing off our HVAC upgrade, including adding air conditioning to our intermediate classrooms.  We completed the upgrade in primary this past summer, so the little ones have been enjoying cool, comfortable classrooms.  Meanwhile, our intermediate students have patiently endured warmer temperatures on some hot September days.

We have extended the deadline to return walk-a-thon pledge forms to Wednesday, October 12th so you can use this Thanksgiving weekend to help your children get pledges from friends and family.  Don’t forget, the intermediate classes in intermediate and primary with the most pledges wins a class party.

Thank you for your support of this year’s walk-a-thon and I hope you and your family have a terrific Thanksgiving weekend.