Christmas Play Auditions

After two years without a staged Christmas Musical Performance, we are eager to bring back our annual Christmas Play this December!

Students in grades 6 & 7 are invited to audition for our Christmas Musical Presentation. Parents of interested students should fill out the form linked below. It is important to discuss with your child the expectation of committing to several rehearsals and memorizing lines and staging, before auditioning. 

Auditions will be held on Tuesday, October 11, during lunch hour - grade 6 at 12 pm, and grade 7 at 12:30. Students will be given a scene to dramatize in small groups at the time of the audition (some time will be given to rehearse). Some acting roles in this play require singing, so auditioning students should be prepared to sing a short familiar song (even Twinkle Twinkle works).

Rehearsals will be held every Monday from 3-4:15 pm and Wednesday at 8 am, beginning Monday, October 17. On occasion, lunch hours will be used for additional practice.

The performance schedule is as follows: dress rehearsal, on December 13, and performances, December 14 at 1 pm and December 15 at 1 pm and 7 pm.

Actors must commit to attending these performance dates and the outlined rehearsal schedule in order to be considered for a role.

We are looking forward to another enthusiastic response to auditions this year.

Mrs. Gat and Mrs. MacGillivray

AnnouncementsJulie Gat