This Week in Kindergarten

Here are a few bits of information and some reminders for the week ahead.

  • October 23 - No School

  • October 30th Orange and Black Dress Down Day. We will have a special visit from Urban Safari Rescue. They will be bringing some animals and insects and will teach us about the basic needs of animals.

  • Gym Days are Wednesday and Friday. Students may wear their Star of the Sea sweat suits to school all day. They are expected to wear gym shoes or have them at school to change into on these days.

  • Boots - Please ensure that boots are returned to school Monday and Tuesday mornings as students wear them home on Forest Days.

  • Outdoor Clothing - As the weather has changed, please ensure that all students come to school with a hooded jacket and any warm weather accessories they desire each day.

  • Labelling Clothing - Many people are asking about misplaced items. Please ensure that all personal items are labelled so that we can help return lost items to their owner.

  • Candy at School - Please refrain from sending candy and chocolates in lunches. We encourage healthy food choices that help to maintain our energy levels throughout the day.

  • Scholastic Flyers - were distributed this week in your child’s planner.

  • Homework Calendar - We are in the final week of October. Please return completed homework calendars on November 2nd.

Thank you for your continued support.


Your Kindie Team

Joey Cristiano