October 21st Update From Mr. Borkowski

Friends and Families of Star of the Sea School,

Here are a few reminders for the next few days:

1) Interim Reports

The students will be bringing home their First Term Interim Reports tomorrow. As mentioned last week, these reports are more detailed than in the past and will give some insight into academic growth in addition to work habits.

Please sign and return the form that accompanies the Interim Report to acknowledge that you have received it.

2) Star of the Sea Cross Country Meet

Tomorrow is our Cross Country Meet. Students who are involved may wear their gym strip for the entire day. Parents are welcome to come and cheer on their children when it is their turn to run. Please remember to maintain 2m distance if you come to watch and cheer.

3) Professional Day October 23rd

Friday, October 23rd is a Professional Day and there will be no regular classes. The teachers will be hard at work, discussing our plans for Parent/Teacher Interviews, Progress Reports, and other ways in which we communicate student learning to parents.

4) Friday, October 30th

Next Friday, October 30th, is a “Halloween Colours” non-uniform day. Due to COVID restrictions, we ask that families not send treats to school this year. Every family has their own comfort level with such practices and we need to respect that. We will plan some fun and safe activities to make the day positive and memorable for the students.

Thanks for your ongoing support and prayers.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
