Don't get charged for missing volunteer hours

As per the Parent Participation Program, all families that have committed to fully participate and volunteer a minimum of 40 hours are required to complete 20 hours by Feb 1 or pay the equivalent at a rate of $20/hour.

Please submit all your completed volunteer hours by Feb 1 through ON VOLUNTEER

All families who have not completed and submitted their mid-year requirement will have the balance owing withdrawn on March 1, 2023 at a rate of $20/outstanding volunteer hour(s) to a maximum of $400.

Please note, families assigned to areas with volunteer requirements in the second term (ex: GALA and SPECIAL EVENTS) are not required to have completed the 20 hour mid-year commitment. These families will have their volunteer hours reviewed in May and any balance owing will be withdrawn June 1.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

How to submit volunteer hours instructions