Kindergarten January News

Important dates in January

January 11th - Hot lunch - White Spot

January 13th - School Mass - 9:15

January 16th - Non-Instructional Day- No School

January 18th - Kindergarten In-class visit from High Touch/High Tech

January 25th - Hot Lunch - Subway

Highlights of Our Learning

At this point in the school year, the pace of our learning begins to accelerate. The students have demonstrated their readiness for challenge and we are excited to provide them with the opportunity to achieve their potential.


To further develop reading skills, we will be focusing on learning the first 25 words from the FRY sight word list. The FRY sight words are a list of the most commonly appearing words in children’s text, many of which cannot necessarily be read by ‘sounding-out’ and must be memorized. Reading sight words with automaticity, when combined with solid phonic skills, can help students achieve reading fluency sooner.

We will actively work on learning these words in class, but home practice will be invaluable to your child’s success as a reader. Click on the links below for the list of words and suggested activities. A paper copy will also be sent home in your child’s planner.

When you believe that your child has mastered these first 25, please write a note in their planner. We will assess at school and provide the next 25 words for practice if they are ready for additional challenge. 


Fry 25 and suggestions for home learning

Fry First 100 words and downloadable flashcards

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