Star of the Sea Parish invites you

Advent Reflection with Fr. Tony Ricard

Fr. Tony Ricard is a Priest for the Archdiocese of New Orleans and Campus Minister at St. Augustine High School, New Orleans. He is the Pastor of St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish and an Instructor of Church Doctrine/Youth Ministry for the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University, Louisiana. He serves as the Catholic Chaplain of the New Orleans Saints. Fr. Tony has written several books which include “Don’t Be Stupid! Lessons You Should Already Know” and “Dreams I’ve Never Had! Justice Denied/Justice Supplied.” A popular speaker across the United States and Canada

Star of the Sea Parish invites you to a Family Advent Activity

Invitation to ALL FAMILIES and people of good will to come for 3 Saturdays:  December 3, 10, 17 at 10:00-11:30am to sing joyfully and pray in preparation for the arrival of baby Jesus.

We sing the O Antiphons (the 7 titles of Our Lord in Scripture) a beautiful ancient tradition.  Kids making music to the Lord.  Refreshments to follow.

Star of the Sea Parish invites you to Simbang Gabi

On December 15—23 at 7PM (except Dec. 21 at 6PM) in Good Shepherd Church, the Parish will be celebrating Simbang Gabi, the 9-day novena of Masses to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary in anticipation of the celebration of Christmas. A Filipino Christmas tradition since the 17thCentury, it will be celebrated in our parish for the first time. We are inviting Filipinos to be involved in the Masses as lectors, Communion ministers, altar servers, singers and musicians, ushers, and greeters. Snacks and refreshments will also be available after the Masses. We invite individual parishioners and parish groups to sign up to contribute snacks and refreshments to one or more of the evenings. Call or email the Parish Office 604-531-5739 to sign up for the Liturgical Ministry positions and for snacks and refreshments.