COVID Safety and Spring Break

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

It is hard to believe that it has been a full-year since COVID-19 forced the closure of schools last Spring. We have come a long way in our understanding of COVID-19 since then. I am so grateful that the virus has not proven to be deadly to children. As of the latest BC CDC Covid Situation Report, not a single person in British Columbia under the age of 30 has died from COVID-19. Our school has been so blessed not to have had a single reported exposure thus far.

This is great news, but my concern is that such news, combined with everyone’s need to get out and have fun during Spring Break, could make us let down our guard. As a father and as a teacher, I need to enjoy this upcoming Spring Break as much as anyone, but we need to do it safely.

Two local Catholic schools just sent notices home yesterday informing individuals or classes that they would need to isolate for the next two weeks. THOSE FAMILIES ARE ALL STUCK AT HOME FOR PART OR ALL OF THEIR SPRING BREAK!

So I have two very important pieces of advice:

1) Use the provincial daily health check to make sure your children are not exhibiting any symptoms before sending them to school. If you or anyone in your family have symptoms, consider keeping everyone home just in case, especially as we head into Spring Break.

2) Be smart about the activities you participate in over Spring Break. As tempting as it may be to have play dates or travel unnecessarily please consider the impact your decision could have on the wider community. When you make plans, consult BC CDC recommendations.

We are getting so close to the end of this whole mess. Let’s stick together and take care of one another.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
