Prayer for Back to School

Loving Father, we ask for your protection for each child as they start a new school year. Keep all children safe from illness and harm. Steady their hearts and calm their anxieties as they focus on new ways of learning and interacting. With your grace as their guide, help them to face each day with positivity, knowing that no matter what comes their way, they do not have to face it alone.  ​

​Keep all teachers and staff safe and healthy. Bless teachers with patience and wisdom as they endeavor to balance ever-changing safety protocols with an effective learning environment. During these difficult times, help our teachers encourage children to focus on their lessons and to treat others with kindness and respect. ​

​Calm the fear and anxiety of parents who are sending their children back to school. ​

​Give guidance and wisdom to governments to prioritize the safety and well-being of all who attend our schools. ​

​We ask all of this in your name, Lord, Amen. ​