November 13th Update From Mr. Borkowski

Here is a new video update from Mr. Borkowski. A full transcript of his message is below.

Families of Star of the Sea School,

It is easy to feel down right now.  The weather is colder, it is darker in the morning, and, oh yeah, there is a worldwide pandemic that seems to be getting worse.

But Remembrance Day helped me put things in perspective. I imagined those young men heading off to World War I, thousands of miles away, willing to die to defend our allies in Europe. Not 20 years later many of those same men, having already experienced the horror of war and the struggle of the Great Depression, suited up and headed off again to fight for freedom. 

Those brave men and women, and that entire generation, are an inspiration to me. When I think about throwing my hands up in despair I can think of them and realize that despite our recent challenges, we are so blessed to live right here and right now. Are we facing a threat from COVID-19? Of course. Can we survive and thrive despite this threat?  Together we can.  If we can muster a fraction of the courage, selflessness, and faithfulness of our greatest generation, we will overcome this current crisis and come out stronger on the other side of it.

The number of cases of COVID-19 is increasing rapidly. Though we have been blessed to not have had an outbreak or even an exposure at Star of the Sea School, the possibility remains very real. The measures we have in place are helping, but they are no guarantee of continued success. Please continue to do your part by keeping sick kids at home and encouraging your children to practice good respiratory hygiene both at home and at school. Also, please be mindful of social distancing and mask wearing in public places, including our parking lot.

It seems as though the government is committed to keeping schools open. Although there have been many cases in schools, the danger to children from COVID-19 remains low. Our staff is doubling its efforts to stay safe and keep the children safe as well. We are doing everything we can to be safe but still trying to make our school feel like a safe and fun place for children to be. Things like safely planned sporting events, outdoor activities, and now online Friday assemblies have helped.

As the number of cases continues to grow, there is always a chance that the government will have no choice but to close schools. The staff has been hard at work since August preparing for this possibility. Whereas last March schools were caught off-guard, this time around we have had time to prepare. We already have online learning platforms prepared. Teachers are prepared to meet with students online daily. Opportunities for synchronous (altogether live) and asynchronous (pre-recorded at your own pace) are ready to roll out. Soon, you will be receiving a survey asking about your technology needs should there be a school closure. We are prepared and ready to thrive in an online environment if necessary. Our theme for the possibility of a school closure, is that we will be “positive and proactive.”

Please continue to keep the school in your prayers.