Grade 4A Update from Mrs. Campagne and Mrs. Eggertson

Grade 4A - Update

November 13, 2020

Dear Parents,

As you know Mrs. Shami is currently on a leave of absence for the next few weeks. Mrs. Eggertson is a former parent and one of our amazing substitute teachers. She knows this community very well and we are so grateful she was able to step in so easily into this class.  Mrs. Eggertson will be teaching Tuesdays - Thursdays, and Mrs. Campagne Mondays and Fridays. 

We wanted to reach out to all of you to let you know how wonderful your children are and how we are enjoying getting to know them. Please review the following information and as always let us know if you have any concerns or questions at our new shared email:

Christian Education: 

  • Students have been engaged in learning about the liturgical seasons, Saints and the review of the Ten Commandments

  • Please review the steps of confession with your child,  we will be having class confession on Nov. 23 followed by a class Mass on Dec. 9th 


  • The class has completed an Explorer unit in Socials and an Owl unit in Science this term with two virtual field trips

  • We are currently reviewing the states of Matter with fun experiments and will be having a class Science Fair in December


  • The students have  focused on patterns, rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and are now working on subtraction with regrouping

  • Please continue to orally drill your children with their basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication)

English Language Arts:

  • We have completed the novel, Owls in the Family and are now working on Legends, understanding what they are and the criteria to write their own

  • We will be starting individual novel studies next week focusing on the elements of story and working in literature circles with their peers to reflect on their reading

We hope this update helps you feel more connected to your child’s learning. Remember to check out our Grade 4 website soon for our fun experiment photos and to sign up for a phone call from Mrs. Eggertson during our school’s parent/teacher interview week (Nov. 23 -26) on the school’s online sign up on our school website. 

To further support our teacher/parent communication please go to the link below to fill out the parent survey!

Click here for Parent/Teacher Interview Survey

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Mrs. Campagne & Mrs. Eggertson

Miriam Campagne