Mr. Borkowski Welcomes You to Meet the Teacher Night

Friends of Star of the Sea School,

I am please to welcome you to the beginning of our Meet the Teacher Night! Rather than gathering in person this year, we will be posting information and videos today, followed by Google Meets sessions with the teacher on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Here are the steps for Meet the Teacher Night:

1) PEC Welcome Message

Begin by reading the welcome back message from our PEC Chairperson Mrs. Dattilo. Click here to read the message.

2) Principal Welcome Video

Please view my Principal Welcome video. As tempting as it may be to skip that, you will need to watch to the very end to get the password for the classroom websites, which is required for the next step. Click here to view the Principal Welcome video. It’s only like 7 minutes long so please endure it :)

3) Classroom Websites, Teacher Videos, and Additional Content

Proceed to the school website and click on your child’s classroom. When prompted for a password, use the password from the end of the Principal Welcome video. On your classroom website, you will find welcome videos from the classroom teacher, as well as our specialist teachers in Learning Support, Physical Education, Music, and French. You will also find important documents from the classroom teacher such as class timetables, year overviews, and classroom expectations.

4) Google Meet Sessions

Tomorrow you will receive an email with the exact date, time, and instructions for an informal “Meet and Greet” with your child’s classroom teacher. These meetings will not have an agenda, but will just be a chance to say hello and ask questions. If you can’t make it to the beginning of a session, no problem! Jump in half-way through or at the very end.

If you can’t make your assigned meeting time at all or have important specific questions better asked in private, please feel free to email your classroom teacher to schedule a seperate time to talk.

I know we all miss gathering, chatting, and building community in person. For now, we will do our best online, but hopefully soon we will be able to be together again.

Thanks for your participation and support.


Mr. Jason Borkowski


AnnouncementsJason Borkowski