Meet the Teacher Information (Grade 5)



Grade 5 (Mr. Pasta) Meet the Teacher


Dear Parents,

Here is the grade 5 year at a glance:





Christian Education: we will be focusing on the theme of “Walk With Jesus Our Living Hope”.  We will also be taking a close look at the sacraments, the Mass, the saints, and the commandments.  As well, by following the liturgical year, the students will develop a greater understanding of the seasons in the church.   


In English Language Arts we will use story and essay writing in order to continue to improve upon the students’ writing skills.  We will also read several novels as a class and the students will have the opportunity to complete several independent novel studies.  As well, we will continue to focus on spelling, grammar, and vocabulary skills. The novels that Grade 5 students will be reading include Holes and Pit Pony.


In Math we will build upon the students understanding of number concepts and work to strengthen their basic operation skills.  We will explore the topics of fractions, decimals, measurement, financial literacy, geometry, and data analysis.  We will also look at different strategies involved in problem solving.


Social Studies: In Grade 5 this year the students will be learning about and focusing on Canada, in particular, Canada’s government and immigration. Usually we would also take a trip to Victoria to visit the parliament buildings and the Royal BC Museum. For now, we will have to wait to see what the rules and regulations will be concerning field trips.


Science: The grade five students will look at the complex system of the human body, as well as study about force and motion and the topic of renewable and non-renewable resources.  Throughout each unit, the students will have many hands-on opportunities to explore science.


P.E., French and Music:

Skills based programs taught by specialist teachers.




Used daily as an important tool:

  • to help establish and maintain a regular homework routine

  • to develop good time management strategies

  • to encourage responsibility for independent learning

  • to effect communication between parents and teachers

  • to promote parent involvement in student learning







  • How much homework, you ask? Approximately 30 minutes per day. Please keep in mind that all children are different. They work at different speeds, some are more particular than others, some… not so much. Students should NOT be doing 2-3 hours of homework per night. If they are, please let us know! If they waste time in class or have missed assignments then, yes, the homework will pile up more than it should.

  • Help your child with his or her homework. But don’t do it for them. Guidance is always important and appreciated but your child should also earn and feel a sense of accomplishment upon completing his or her homework.

  • Homework is an important component of daily learning

  • Homework will consist of extra practice such as Math Focus Workbook, Communicating Skills workbook (grammar and punctuation) and reading.

  • All projects and assessment activities will be done in class only.

  • Homework needs to have priority and be scheduled as part of the weekday routine, not merely something to be squeezed in among other after school activities

  • Due dates need to be respected; all texts and student work must be brought to school each day

  • Homework slip policy in place to track late or missing work and to inform team-teachers and parents




  • Evaluation is a multifaceted process

  • Follow your child’s progress by talking about his/ her learning, and seeing student work regularly (students are encouraged to take home their books any time)

  • Students demonstrate their learning through interest, participation, daily and long-term assignments, homework, quizzes, and tests

  • major assignments and tests will be sent home on completion of units of study; they should be signed by parents and returned to school to acknowledge that you have seen current results




  • Continue to foster their spiritual growth at home by helping them understanding and practice their faith daily – journey with them as they deepen their relationship with Jesus

  • Discuss local, national, and international issues to make them more aware of their world and to help them develop opinions and take a Christian stand on current issues

  • Help them become media savvy; take advantage of any programming or learning experiences which will reinforce material being studied in class

  • Monitor internet use

  • Discourage them from over scheduling themselves; although young people this age love to be involved in a variety of sports, cultural, and recreational activities they also need time to just “hang out” with their families and friends. 

  • Set up study/work area with tech, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, Bible, and necessary supplies

  • Reinforce organizational skills at home by ensuring students develop responsibility for work and materials.

  • Ensure your child has a local library card and visit local library regularly for recreational reading and media loans as well as for research materials and homework helps offered by the library


Thank you for taking the time to read this. Should you need to inform me of any issues involving your child please email us or leave a message with the school office.  I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Many concerns can often be quickly dealt with by phone.  I look forward to a great year working with you and your children.  Sincerely,


Dennis Pasta                                                      


Dennis Pasta