Getting Ready for Virtual Meet the Teacher Night Online

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

I am very pleased to announce that Meet the Teacher Night will take place beginning on Wednesday, September 23rd. Since we cannot host a live event this year, the teachers have been very hard at work preparing a recorded online presentation and linking documents for parents to reference throughout the year. These videos, as well as content from myself and the Parish Education Committee, will become available tomorrow evening. Check your inbox and/or the school website tomorrow afternoon for access to this content.

Later this week I will be sending home a schedule for open online “Meet and Greet” sessions with the classroom teachers. These sessions will take place in the evening on Monday, September 28th and Tuesday, September 29th. The schedule for these sessions and more information should be available by Thursday, September 24th.

We are doing our best to maintain open communication and a sense of community despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. Thank you for your cooperation and participation.


Mr. Jason Borkowski


AnnouncementsJason Borkowski