Grade Seven Visual and Fine Arts Summary of Learning

Here is what Grade Seven students will be learning in Visual and Fine Arts this year:

In term 1, students in Visual & Fine Arts explore basic sketching techniques in the

graphic novel/comic book genre. Students experiment with shapes, perspectives,

form and proportion. Through practice, students will develop greater control over

their pencil strokes, shading, and line quality. They will learn how to break down

complex figures into basic shapes (such as circles, squares, and triangles) to

simplify the drawing process. Students will learn how to maintain correct proportions

when drawing faces and various objects, and will explore how to create dynamic

characters, action scenes, and layouts that are common in this genre.

In term 2, students participate in the school Christmas concert by singing and learning

choreography as a class ensemble. They apply what they have learned over several

performances, building confidence and stage presence. Students engage in creative

projects involving polymer clay: reproducing animals, plants, food and pop culture

characters. Students will practice basic sculpting skills, such as rolling, flattening, and

shaping the clay into various forms as well as gaining an understanding of texture,

detail, colour theory and increasing their fine motor skills.

In term 3, students are exposed to famous artistic works and musical compositions,

both ancient and modern, and learn about the basic techniques and themes

predominant in these famous works. Students continued to add to their digital

portfolios, culminating in a term-end creative project.

Grade 7, Grade 7AJason Borkowski