Grade Six Drama Summary of Learning

Here is what Grade Six students will be learning in Drama this year:

In term 1, students explore elements of dramatic genre including mask work,

collaborative writing and creative gesture. Thematic elements of Plot(story

structure), Character and Thought(ideas, themes, deeper meaning and underlying

messaging) are explored through individual and collaborative activities, games and

projects. Students will learn to express emotions, build characters, and tell stories in

imaginative ways, helping to boost their confidence and communication abilities.

In term 2, students participate in the school Christmas concert by singing and learning

choreography as a class ensemble. They apply what they have learned over several

performances, building confidence and stage presence. Students also rehearse and

present the stations of the cross in tableaux format to the school during Holy Week

leading up to Easter; this enables them to deepen their understanding of the central

mystery of the Christian Faith while allowing them (in a small group setting) creative

control of a portion of dramatic performance.

In term 3, students explore elements of dramatic genre including mask work,

collaborative writing and creative gesture. Thematic elements of Diction(language,

word choice and dialogue), Melody(rhythm, music and sound) and

Spectacle(costumes, props, set design and location) are explored through individual

and collaborative activities, games and projects. Students also participate in a

performance for the school for the Fine Arts showcase afternoon which is a

culmination of their year-long experience.

Grade 6, Grade 6AJason Borkowski