Kindergarten December News

This month we are learning about:

  • Advent

  • Christmas

  • Christmas traditions around the world and the holiday celebrations of other cultures/faiths

  • Patterns

Important Dates

December 8 - Christmas song filming day - Please arrive on time, wearing full school uniform. Kindies will be filming their song for our virtual Christmas Concert at 9:10 am.

December 9 - Christmas colours dress down day - please bring a monetary donation for Sources Foodbank

December 10 - Donations for Stockings for Seniors due

December 18 - last day of school before Christmas break - 12pm dismissal

Important Information and Reminders

Water bottles - Please ensure that children come to school each day with a water bottle. We do not have access to water fountains at school, only water bottle filling stations.

Uniform - We are noticing many items of clothing that are not official school uniform, including pants, shirts, socks, gym attire, and hair accessories. Please consult the parent handbook or ask your child’s teacher if you have any questions about uniform items.

Planners - Please ensure that you check your child’s planner each day and empty the contents of their front pouch. Reading flyers and magazines do not need to be returned, they are sent home for extra practice and to show off our new reading skills to our family members.

Winter clothing - Please send children to school with hat/toque and gloves. We spend lots of time outdoors and want to ensure that the students are warm and comfortable.

Julie Gat