Kindergarten April News


April 18 - Class photo day

April 19 - No School, Teacher Professional Development

May 3 - Kindergarten Crowning of Mary Assembly (9:15 parents encouraged to attend)

May 17 - No School, Non-Instructional Day

May 20 - No School, Victoria Day

May 21 - No School for Kindergarten Students only (all other grades in session as usual)


Please ensure that all students are photo-ready on the morning of April 18th as we will have our class photos. All students should come to school wearing their full uniform, including sweaters and all-black school shoes. Please ensure that no additional non-uniform items are worn. Consult the uniform section of the parent handbook or the school website for more information.


During recess some children have been enjoying bringing toys to play with them outside. We allow this, with a few guidelines:

  • Labelling toys is always recommended to avoid confusion or help if things become lost.

  • Toys do, at times, get lost or broken. Students must be prepared to look after their own property, share, and include others in their play.


I’m a Gift from God program is mandated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. The program is designed to be integrated with the existing religious education program. It is intended that the home, school and parish combine their efforts to protect the dignity and worth of God’s children. To assist parents with the home learning portion of the program, a Parent Lesson Plan is provided. Reminders for home activities will be written in your child’s planner every week or so. Please do not complete more than the assigned work for the week. Please see the letter sent home in your child’s planner describing the program in more detail.


As we are approaching the end of the academic year, the kindergarten team will begin planning for our new incoming group of Kindergarten students. To help welcome our new group of Kindies, we will be hosting a ‘Looking Ahead Day’ on May 21st, Tuesday. On this day, our new students will have the opportunity to come to class to experience life as a Kindergarten student. This means that our current classes will have the day off (all other grades will be in session as usual). Since this date comes immediately after the Victoria Day long weekend, this provides an opportunity for current Kindie families to have an extra-long weekend! Enjoy!

Show and Share

Beginning Monday, April 8th, we will be changing the focus of our Show and Share on Special Helper days. Rather than bringing a toy or special object, the students will have the opportunity to be the “teacher” for a few minutes. Some ideas for this may include:

  • Sharing facts they know about a favourite animal, sports team or place they like to visit

  • Teaching the class how to play a game

  • Teaching the class how to make something

  • Reading a short story to the class

It must be something that can be done within the classroom and take no longer than 15 minutes. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

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