How COVID Exposure Notifications Work


Unlike last year, our school has had to deal with COVID-19 exposures during the past few weeks. I am so grateful to our school community for the calm, rational, and compassionate response to these notifications. Understandably, many parents have questions about the notification process.

Before providing you with links to more full explanations and details, please allow me to answer one frequently asked question: I know there have been COVID-19 exposures in the school, so why haven’t I received a letter?

You will only receive a COVID-19 Notification Letter from Fraser Health if your child was directly exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and was at school during their infectious period. This is generally someone in their class or on a sports team. The school is not to send home general notifications to the entire school each time an exposure occurs.

The Fraser Health website provides more information and keeps an up to date list of schools with a current exposure notification. You can access their website directly by clicking here.

If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Know that I do everything I can, sometimes behind the scenes and always quite persistently, to assist Fraser Health in expediting the notification process and keeping parents informed.


Mr. Jason Borkowski