FSA Practice Link and Info

The Grade 4 FSA (Foundation Skills Assessment) tests will be held between Nov. 1 and Nov. 12.

These tests are done partially online. There will still be written components, but there is also a portion of the test that is done on the computer. Because this is a less familiar skill for many of the students, we are recommending some practice time. We will be doing the online practice tests at school on Chromebooks, but we wanted to make more practice time available for those who want to try again or try to do better. There is a link below to the practice website - please check it out at your convenience, and ask your child how they fared when they did the practice at school. We will have completed the practices in school by Oct. 29. Your child will not need any special login information.

If you have questions or need some help troubleshooting, please email camonaghan@sosschool.ca or mmak@sosschool.ca.

Michael Mak