Grade 5 Update, March, 2023

Hello, Grade 5 Parents:


It has a been busy time. Basketball season is finally over, which means I have a chance to sit down and provide you with another glimpse as to what is going on in Grade 5. It was a very successful basketball season, by the way. The grade 5 students seemed to enjoy their first season playing basketball - especially the tournaments!


Students have been learning all about Earth’s resources, including the rock cycle. We recently ran an experiment where the students observed and recorded plant growth. Some plants were watered with fresh water while others were given contaminated water (sodium phosphate). Using the scientific method, they made predictions, observations, and conclusions over a few weeks.

In Math, students have been working on their multiplication skills by learning how to use various ways to find a product and solve word problems. We will be moving on to division after Spring Break.

In English Language Arts, students were given the opportunity to choose a novel and respond to various thinking questions provided in class. We will continue to have a reading program after the break, which will include the extremely popular novel Holes.

As many of you saw at the Student-Led Conferences, students have begun venturing into the world of coding. They are learning to block code routes for Spheros, which is a lot more difficult than it sounds. These kids are quick learners when it comes to technology and I’m sure they could teach the adults a thing or two about coding.


Finally, the students in both classes have been working hard to prepare for the Passion Play by practicing their lines and rehearsing together. We look forward to show time on April 6th at 2 pm in the gym. All parents and family are welcome to watch!

More info on the Passion Play will be sent out to parents soon.


Thank you and have a very relaxing Spring Break!





Dennis Pasta