Communion Practice at Home

Hi Parents,

After the first school Mass earlier in September I have some suggestions for the children for receiving Communion this Friday, Oct. 1.

  • lower your mask when you bow before reaching the Priest or Extraordinary Minister

  • the hand to receive the Eucharist should be flat like a plate (not cupped like a bowl)

  • the under hand is the one that then lifts the Eucharist to the mouth.

  • The plate hand stays to catch just in case.

  • Put the Eucharist in your mouth before walking away.

Parents, please practice a bit with your child at home so they are more comfortable this Friday. We will review in class but practice is more effective.

You would be so proud of how all the students are saying the responses in strong voices and raising their hands to answer questions. What a keen bunch!

Thanks for your enthusiastic support!

Mr. Mak

Michael Mak