Christmas Play Information for all Students and Families
We are excitedly preparing our annual Christmas Musical production this year, Bethlehem Beat. As each student has a vital role in our performance, it is important that all students attend all three play performances. Each grade will perform one song, which they have been learning for several weeks now.
Tickets will go home with the oldest child of each family that reserved tickets on December 16. Please remember to check planners and backpacks.
We are asking for a minimum $5 donation per ticket to help offset the cost of the production. Cash donations will be accepted at the entrance of each performance.
Our Performance Schedule
December 18 - 1 pm performance (regular school day)
December 19 - 1 pm performance (regular school day)
December 19 - 7 pm performance - Students arrive between 6:20 and 6:30. They will enter through the school's front (lobby) doors and go to their classrooms. If you are not staying to watch the play at that time, please plan to pick up your child(ren) at 8 pm.
If your family has a planned absence during play week, please notify your child’s teacher so they can plan accordingly.
Class Costumes
Please send your child to school with their costume on December 17th for our dress rehearsal (this is a closed rehearsal; family members should attend the performances listed above). Students should come to school in their uniform as usual and will change into their costumes for the dress rehearsal and performances in the afternoon. Costumes will remain at school for our performances over the next two days. Please ensure costumes are in a bag labelled with your child’s name to help us organize outfits in classrooms.
Kindergarten: Christmas best
Grade 1: Robes/Housecoats with a head covering (tea towel or other) (Bethlehem townspeople/”shepherd-looking”)
Grade 2: Brightly coloured top and bottoms
Grade 3: White top (no graphics, please) with dark bottoms
Grade 4: White top (no graphics, please) with dark bottoms
Grade 5: Neon/bright-coloured shirt (no graphics or primary colours, please) with dark bottoms
Grade 6: Black top (no graphics, please) with dark bottoms
Grade 7: Black or white tops (no graphics, please), jeans or dark bottoms (bonus: jean or leather jackets, if you have it)