Changes to Progress Reports


Progress Reports are coming home this Friday, January 27th. You should note a few changes to the format.

1) Previously, the Progress Report opened with a large box with comments from the teacher. That box has been divided into two sections: “Student Areas of Strength” and “Goals and Next Steps.”

In the “Student Areas of Strength” section, teachers detail growth and accomplishments the students have accomplished this term.

In “Goals and Next Steps”, teachers detail areas for further growth. In some cases, students contributed to this section.

2) Previously, the “learning outcomes” that were rated on the Proficiency Scale were a combination of the curricular competencies (skills) and curricular content (knowledge). In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s increased emphasis on competencies, the content has been separated and described below. Students’ ratings on the Proficiency Scale are based on competencies only.

3) At the very end of the Progress Report is a section titled “Supporting Your Child’s Learning”. This section, in some cases in collaboration with students, gives practical strategies for continued improvement.

After having gone through all 438 Progress Reports, I can say without hesitation that these are the most clear and informative reports I have been privileged to read. The teachers put an enormous effort into making them as informative, accurate, and affirming as possible. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have.

If you have any questions about the content of your child’s Progress Report, please contact your classroom teacher. If you have any feedback on the format please contact me directly. I look forward to getting feedback on the new format from parents.


Mr. Borkowski