Reverence, Respect and Responsibility
At Star of the Sea School our focus is Reverence, Respect and Responsibility.
In our Christ centred learning environment each child is called to achieve spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth.
With Parish, home and school working together we can bring each child closer to this goal.
Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to:
Look for the presence of Jesus in everyone by treating others with kindness, understanding, dignity and respect.
Be attentive and involved in all learning opportunities and respect the learning environment of others.
Respect others and treat them fairly and equally.
Respect and value the personal property of self and others, and the school.
Practice empathy and self-control.
Students should come to school with a sense of purpose and an expectancy of achievement. Students are expected to:
Adhere to all school rules and regulations.
Arrive at school punctually each day.
Be prepared with all necessary books and materials (e.g. gym strip) and homework.
Wear the required school uniform with pride.
Student Behavioural Expectations
In the Hallway:
Walk, respectfully and responsibly.
Main entrance is reserved for adults and general public between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Students should use the SOUTH DOORS (Fine Arts entrance for intermediate & Main Office entrance for primary) to enter the school and for dismissal.
In the Classroom:
Active student participation in school activities is expected.
Students must care for their personal belongings. Label personal items with your name.
Students will assist with maintaining a tidy workspace and classroom.
In the Washrooms:
Students should use facilities during regular classroom breaks.
Students should keep facilities tidy.
On the Playground:
Verbal/physical harassment of any kind is prohibited.
Out of fence=out of bounds.
No skateboards, roller blades or heeleys allowed on school grounds.
No electronics (cell phones, mp3 players, iPods, etc.).
Approved helmet must be worn while riding bicycle to and from school.
In the Gym:
Students must not enter the gym without a supervisor.
Gym shoes and gym strip are required.