Walkathon 2023 was a huge success

We celebrated our annual Walk-a-thon last Friday, October 13th.  It was a beautiful sunny day.  There were lots of smiles thanks to the hard work of many volunteers.  I wish to especially thank Mrs. Pollock for her planning and Mrs. Meister for coordinating our parent volunteers.  

I also want to thank all the parents and friends of Star of the Sea School who were so generous in their contributions to our walk-a-thon.  In total we raised $45,863 for our goals.  This greatly exceeded our goal of $30,000.  Every class did a fantastic job.  Congratulations to Kindergarten and Grade Five for raising the most funds in Primary and Intermediate respectively.

We have exciting plans for the funds raised.  Over Christmas break we will have a design team and contractors make over our school lobby.  We will celebrate the re-opening of this space with grade level parent coffee mornings in January.  Look for updates in the weeks ahead.

Our classes will soon receive Chalice Christmas Catalogues and can work together to order items using 25% of the funds they raised for walk-a-thin.  This is a great learning experience I look forward to sharing more details about with you all in the near future.

Thank you again for your support of our walk-a-thon.