Walk-a-thon 2021 Details

We are very excited about Walk-a-thon 2021! Read this Q & A for details about our goals and plans for the day.

What are we fundraising for?

We are raising funds to help Grapesyard Eduction Center in Kenya. Grapesyard is a school that services thousands of kids in an impoverished area of Nairobi. They have so many needs. We are focussing on the needs outlined here, but will also find ways for the students to use the funds they raise on more specific needs for CHALICE sponsor children.

What is our goal?

Our goal is to help Grapesyard Education Center as much as we can. Each grade is being challenge to raise $2000 which will go directly to the school. Any funds raised above and beyond $2000 will be given back to the grade level to use to purchase items and gifts for sponsor children on the CHALICE website. You can check out some of those options here.

How do I help?

This weekend is a great opportunity to use the pledge form to sponsor your own child and ask family, friends, and neighbours to do the same. Pledge forms are due on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, so you have lots of time to get those pledges. More pledge forms can be downloaded and printed from here.

Are there prizes this year?

This year the top fundraising Grade in Primary and in Intermediate will be rewarded with a pizza, popcorn, and movie afternoon. There will be no individual prizes this year and… that is sort of the point. Our kids have so much and we want to teach them to give back without getting something out of it personally.

What is happening on Walk-a-thon Day?

The Walk-a-thon will take place at Star of the Sea School on Friday, October 8th. Students will arrive at the usual time and be brought into class at 8:55am. After an outdoor assembly, students will begin walking at about 9:30am. Students will stay on Parish property the entire time with supervisors walking with the students and standing at key points along the route. The route is available to see here.

Due to COVID we are limiting the number of parents able to participate in this event. Only parents who are part of our Special Events Team through the Parent Participation Program will be able to assist. Those parents will be instructed on all COVID protocols.

Students will walk until 11:45am, at which time they will be brought back to class to gather their belongings and be dismissed for the Thanksgiving weekend at 12 noon.