Thanksgiving Message from Mr. Borkowski

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

A thankful heart is a happy heart. Although our world and our school continue to struggle figure out how to live with COVID, we need to reflect on the things we have to be thankful for.

Today in particular I am grateful for the amazing response of staff, students, and families to the news that we, like the rest of the world, are not immune to the impact of COVID 19. Despite recent challenges, everyone has maintained the hopeful, hardworking, and supportive culture that make our community special.

Our recent study of Kenya and the students we are sponsoring are a reminder of two things. Firstly, we are reminded of and humbled by our extraordinary material wealth. Even those in our community with the least can be confident of a meal, a roof over their heads, and a good school for their kids. We should never take that for granted or neglect our responsibility to share with those in need.

The second lesson I have taken away from our study of Kenya and the students we are sponsoring is that joy is not to be found in material wealth or security, but in the simple things. Appreciating God, family, and friends is they key to happiness whether we are rich or poor. The smiling faces on the children at Grapesyard Education Center can teach us that.

This Thanksgiving I encourage everyone to spend time with family (in COVID safe ways) and spend time thanking God for all the blessings we enjoy; both big and small. Sunday Mass, even if you have not been for a long time, is a perfect time to do this.

Please be smart and safe when making plans this weekend.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
