Student-Led Conferences - Friday, March 7

Please sign up for student-led conferences on-line.  Teachers will have ½ hour booking times available from 8:30 am till 3:00 pm on Friday, March 7. This is an opportunity for your child(ren) to show you their classroom and share their learning with you. 

Please note: This time is student-led conferences only. If you need to speak to a teacher about your child’s progress, please email the teacher to set-up a private appointment at another time.

To book your appointment, please visit and enter our school code b6p9g

You will be asked to enter your email address, your name and number of children that you are booking sessions for.  Please enter your child’s FULL name as many parents have a last name that is different from their child’s.  You will then be asked to choose the grade, the teacher and a session from the available times listed.  Once you have booked your session(s), you will be sent a confirmation email. If you do not have access to the internet, please call the school office and we would be happy to assist.

🌟 Specialist teachers will be available throughout the day to meet with you and your child, if you wish to check-in with them. No appointment required.

👧🏽👦 Childcare will be available for siblings (aged 3 and up) during the student-led sessions

*This is a non-instructional day for students; however students and parent(s) are required to attend their booked session.

Students who do not attend will be considered absent for the day*