Star of the Sea Education Committee Elections

There are 3 vacancies for the Parish Education Committee for a two-year term commencing November 1, 2021.  Education Committee elections will be held after Mass on Sunday, September 26th.  There will be an Advance Poll at the Parish office on Wednesday, September 22nd from 2:30-3:30 p.m. for those who will be away on election day.  Those eligible to vote are Catholics who have reached the age of nineteen (19), residing within parish boundaries and are registered members of the parish.  It is the individual’s responsibility to ensure that his/her name is placed on the Voter’s List.  A person may vote in only one parish.  Also eligible to vote are non-Catholic spouses of all Catholics eligible to vote.

Eligible for Nomination:  Those eligible to hold office as a member of a Parish Education Committee are practicing Catholics, approved by the Pastor, who are eligible to vote in that parish and have reached the age of twenty-one (21), with the following exceptions:

-       Teachers and Principal of the school;

-       Past employees of the school until 3 full calendar years have passed since the termination of employment;

-       Employees of the parish and/or school;

-       Spouses, children, parents, brothers & sisters of persons covered above;

-       All other Teachers/Principals employed by CISVA.


It is imperative that capable and committed Catholics stand for election to an Education Committee.  It is important that they reflect a wide skill set willing to take on the many needs of a committee – in the areas of finance and administration, human resources, policy, repairs and maintenance, fundraising, in organizing people for parent participation and those who recognize the importance of team play and confidentiality.


Eligible to Nominate:  Only those persons eligible to hold office are eligible to nominate.


Nomination forms will be available at the Church and School offices. Forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the Nominating Committee by Tuesday, September 21st at noon.

Announcements, PECDanielle O'Connor