Star of the Sea answers the call to help make Christmas for local Seniors a special one!

Maria Punzo, a grandparent at Star of the Sea, reached out to us to see if we could make Christmas a little more special for our seniors in long-term care. Maria works at Westminster House and was hoping that our families would be able to help fill the stockings for seniors at Westminster House. Our families responded in such an amazing way, we were able to deliver stocking stuffers to 4 different long-term care facilities! Well done Star of the Sea! Employees and volunteers have extended their thanks to our families who will make this Christmas so special for our seniors. Grade 4’s delivered the items to Mrs. Punzo today and filled her car with goodies ranging from soap and hand cream, to crossword books, slippers, teas, candies and chocolates! What a great way to show the love of Jesus during this Advent Season!

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