Staffing Changes for 2023/2024

Families of Star of the Sea School,

We are saying good-bye to some dear friends and familiar faces who have served our community for many years:

Karen Borkowski is why I am here today.  27 years ago as a university student looking for volunteer experience to get into a teaching program, Karen set me up here at Star of the Sea School, as a volunteer.  Karen has faithfully taught two generations of students and we thank her for her service.

Fran Pezzente has been an Educational Assistant, parent, and grandparent at our school for 25 years.  She is an amazing woman, I call her the queen of Star of the Sea School.  We thank her for her service and wish her the very best in retirement.

Suzy Rossi has been an Educational Assistant at our school for 25 years.  Her hard work, dedication to the students, and affinity for baking for staff functions will be greatly missed and we wish her the best in her retirement.

Stephanie Smith is an alumni of Star of the Sea School and has been a parent at our school for many years.  Stephanie has been our Grade 3 teacher for the past two years.  We thank her for her dedication and professionalism and wish her the best as she pursues post-graduate studies.

Amy Lee has been with us as an Educational Assistant for 10 years.  She has helped countless students achieve their fullest potential with her quiet, caring ways.  We congratulate Amy as she leaves us on her maternity leave to begin life as a new mother.

Gemma Nootebos has only been with us for one year but has inspired and cared for students so well.  The same goes for John Luyten who taught Gr 5 for a few months and continued as an Educational Assistant.  Both will be missed. Gemma is off to Ireland to get married and John is returning to university to continue his studies.

Eliza McDonald is taking a step back from the classroom next year to be our STEM teacher.  This allows Julie Gat to take on an increased role as 100% Vice Principal.

We are welcoming many new faces to our staff next year and I look forward to introducing them to you at our Meet the Teacher Night in September. Those include our new Grade Two teacher Lauren Maxwell, Grade Six teacher Alyssa Kunz, Learning Support teacher Katrina Figueroa and new Educational Assistants Leah Connell and Stephen Mills. I am excited to announce that Miriam Campagne will be our new Grade Three teacher next year.

Please join me in wishing our departing and arriving friends all the best and keep them in your prayers over the Summer.


Mr. Jason Borkowski