Snow Day Decision Making

Families of Star of the Sea School,

The decision to close the school due to snow is never an easy one. The decision is made when it is determined that the road conditions are too unsafe to warrant staying open. While it is easy for individual families to make wise decisions for themselves about whether or not it is safe to travel to school, we have staff members travelling from all over the lower mainland whose presence is necessary for the safe operation of the school itself. In the end we will always make decisions that put safety as the highest priority.

Though I enjoy seeing happy children playing in the snow and celebrating a day off, I hate calling snow days and find it to be one of the most difficult decisions to make each time it happens. I am grateful for the consultation of PEC members and staff who live in the areas around the school to help in the decision making process. We also look to other Catholic schools and try to stay in alignment with them when it makes sense for our community. Still, the decision is never easy or made lightly.

Often it happens that the decision to close is made very early, and by early afternoon the roads are clear and rain is melting away the snow. All we can do is make the best decision we can with the information we are dealing with at the moment of the decision. I have seen schools decide to stay open, only to close at 9am or shortly after, causing a confusing mess for families. It can really be a no-win situation.

Hopefully this helps put the decision making process in context. I truly hope this snow day is not too much of an inconvenience for our school families and you have some time to enjoy the winter weather.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
