SJPII Academy Needs Your Help

Dear Friends and Supporters of Saint John Paul II Academy,


I am writing once again to ask your help in getting our permanent school campus built.  This coming Monday (9 May) our application to re-zone the property on 24th Avenue will receive its third reading at Surrey City Hall.  This is a public hearing and so it is critical that we get as many people out in support of this application as possible. 


How You Can Help

  1. Attend the Council meeting in person. Monday 9 May, 7 pm, Surrey City Hall, Council Chambers, 13450-104 Avenue, Surrey. (There is public parking in the building). If you are able to attend please identify yourself to a SJP2 Academy organizer when you arrive as we will issue a badge that identifies you as part of the SJP2 Academy community.

  2. If you are unable to attend to please write a short email in support of our application to re-zone the property on 24th Avenue (draft points to include are below). Please send emails to:

    1. copying Mayor McCallum (please bcc myself) OR

    2. By completing this online form. Click here. Be sure to say you are in support of the re-zoning application for St. John Paul II Academy, 18230 24th Avenue, Surrey

  3. If you are able to attend and send an email that would be greatly appreciated.


Points to make in your email

  • That you are writing in support of the rezoning of 24th Avenue to allow for the construction of St. John Paul II Academy at 18230 24th Avenue

  • That this is a donor funded project that does not cost the BC taxpayer

  • That by adding 800 classroom spaces it helps alleviate an acute shortage of classroom space in the Surrey School District.


Thanking you in advance for your support of this request an in getting an email in support to the contact listed above.


Totus Tuus.

 Michael Donnelson


SJPII Academy