Showing Our Love During Catholic Schools Week

As you all know, this year due to the pandemic we are not able to share valentines in classes as we normally would. We have an idea to help students spread the love for our teachers, our classes, our school and the catholic education the kids are thriving in - in a safe way.

You'll find in the next couple of days that your child will come home with a heart in their planner. The purpose is for our students to write or draw something about their teacher, class, or school that they love or are grateful for - and to send it back in their planners by Monday. We will put all the hearts up at the front of the school and share the love for our school and the people that make it an incredible place to be during Catholic schools week next week - it will hopefully feel like we are all coming together in one giant valentine for our school community ahead of the students having a few well deserved days off.
