September in Kindergarten

Meet the Teacher Information

We enjoyed seeing so many of you at Meet the Teacher Night. Click on the link to access the information shared that evening.

Important Dates in September

September 19 - Picture Day (Students must be in full uniform)

September 29 - Dress Down Day - Orange Shirt Day

Save the Date

October 16 - Pumpkin Patch Field Trip from 9:00-12:00. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to join us.

Click here for online permissions slip to be completed by October 6th.

Christmas Long Ago field trip at Museum of Surrey

K (Cristiano) - November 21 from 10:00-12:00.

KA (Rivera) - November 23 from 10:00-12:00.

Parent Contact List

Heather Dagenais has volunteed to create a parent contact list for the purpose of playdates and sending out invitations to classmates. If you would like to be included on this list, please email the following to as soon as possible.

  1. Child’s name and class

  2. Parent’s name

  3. Parent email address

  4. Parent phone number