PPP Volunteer Opportunities Available

Safe Streets November to December

Safe Streets: This role is very important to the safety of our students. Your presence and visibility on our streets at pickup and drop-off will help achieve the overall goal of ensuring that everyone makes it onto the school grounds safely. Please be alert and responsive during your shift, dressed for the weather and welcoming to all who arrive and depart.

Each participating family is required to volunteer a minimum of 2 Safe Streets Shifts per year.

New This Year: the credit for each Safe Streets shift is 30 minutes.

Please remember to check in at the office before your shift and check out after to get credit for your shift.

Before each shift  you must pick up a safety vest and sign inside the school. Please return these items after your shift.

Before performing your first shift please refer to the SAFE STREETS video on the school website or alternatively refer to handbook located at the office at the check in area.               

Also, for any families that have signed up for upcoming Safe Street shifts that they can no longer complete, please cancel your shift or email the school office to cancel for you. We have had a few “NO SHOWS” for Safe Streets recently which we would like to avoid.

To sign up for a Safe Streets shift visit ON Volunteer .

Shadow Special Events Coordinator

If you are interested in an ongoing, yearly PPP role, we are looking for a parent(s) to shadow our existing special events coordinator this year to learn the position and needs required.  This role meets with teachers or admin staff if necessary to ensure the jobs/tasks are laid out for On Volunteer parent sign-up, oversees the volunteers & works closely with the office to ensure budget and event runs smoothly.

If this sounds like a role you would be interested in, please email the school office.

Important Reminders for Parent Volunteers

A reminder to all volunteers to please ensure they check in / out with the office iPad for every scheduled shift. If you fail to check in / out, you will be considered a “No Show” and will not receive credit for your shift.

If you are unable to fulfill your volunteer shift, please ensure you notify the office so that the shift can be released to other school families.

Please remember to check ON Volunteer regularly as new events and shifts are added once details are confirmed.