Restrictions have been lifted, but we still need to practice Daily Health checks

Spring has sprung, the days are warmer and the sunshine is welcome. We are in the final months of this school year, and with COVID restrictions lifted, we welcome a return to some normalcy.

Even though the situation appears to be improving, we need to proceed with caution. We are still hearing reports of cases in the community, so we are asking families to be diligent and continue to follow Fraser Health recommendations for schools:

Students will continue to be required to follow public health measures, such as staying home when feeling sick, washing their hands and completing daily health checks. A daily health check is assessing yourself or your child for symptoms of illness. If you are sick or feel unwell, stay at home.

Please use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool for guidance on when to stay home.

A general guideline, if your child requires Tylenol or Advil in the morning to alleviate symptoms in order to be well enough to go to school, they should stay home, especially if they have a fever. Students with fevers should NOT attend school until they are fever free without the aid of Tylenol or Advil.

We thank you for your continued support and assistance keeping our school community safe.