Our Sunday Best: Inside and Out

Dear Parents,

            Growing up in a large family gave rise to a kind of orderliness within a hectic home life. Mother had lists for kitchen duty and household chores, with routines established for homework, sports practices, tv watching and bedtimes. And on Saturdays we had to shine our shoes and prepare our Sunday clothes ready for the next morning. Going to Mass was always a given, along with wearing our dress clothes.

            My dad was a craftsman, being an industrial pattern maker all his working life, ending up owning his own “Dion Pattern Works” in Surrey until his retirement. He wore work clothes during the week but on Sunday it was always a suit and tie no matter the weather. Dad believed you needed to dress your best for Church. He also liked to wear his Knights of Columbus 4th Degree tuxedo on special occasions. He always looked good when he and mom went out.

            Not to be outdone, mother also dressed up for Church, seen with a nice hat on even as she attended Mass here in the parish up to just a few years ago. When asked about my mom, I always pointed her out as the gray-haired lady with the hat on! Dressing up for Sunday Mass was the example of my parents, and I’ve encouraged my parishioners to do likewise and to help their children develop a sense of getting dressed up for church on Sunday.

            We teach by doing and our practice of getting ready in advance, selecting our clothes and timetable, and leaving in plenty of time so as not to be late, demonstrates the importance of what we are doing. Sunday Mass is our weekly act of worship, keeping the Lord’s Day holy, and the best way we have of enriching our personal life of faith and that of our children.

            Bless you for bringing your children to Sunday Mass.

Fr. Dion

AnnouncementsJason Borkowski