Optional Check-In With Teachers and No School on March 10th

This year, due to Covid-19, Student-Led Conferences have been reformatted.  Teachers and specialists (except for the Learning Support Team) will be available at flexible times on March 9, 10 & 11th if you wish to discuss your child’s progress. This opportunity is available to all but is not a requirement. The process is very simple.  Please log onto:  https://www.schoolinterviews.ca/code?code=y3e69

You will be asked to enter your email address, name and number of children that you are booking interviews for.  Please put your child’s FULL name (ie. Joe Smith as many parents have a last name that is different from their child’s.)  You will then be asked to choose the grade and teacher and a screen will come up with available times.  Once you have made your selections, you will be sent a confirmation email.  Please keep the email somewhere safe as you will need it to click on Google Meet Link.

***Please note that there are no regular classes on March 10th to allow time for these meetings to take place for those who wish to participate.