Online Learning November 8-November 15

Hello parents,

It has been a very eventful Friday at school. Another reminder that we are still in unknown and uncertain times, but these events can also be an opportunity to build resilience, resourcefulness, and tenacity. Hang in there, Star of the Sea families.

Thank you for picking up your child’s belongings to set up online learning at home for the next little while. I appreciate your consideration of our class, and I hope to make it a seamless transition from the class to remote learning.

As this shift to online learning is simply a continuation of in class learning, I wanted to give an overview of what this upcoming week will look like for your child:

I have attached a copy of our school’s Online Student E-learning Commandments to remind students of expectations during Google Meetings.

 Google Classroom will be the main platform I will use to run online lessons and to assign work.

 Google Meet links will be posted daily in the STREAM (see below) of our Google Classroom. If they cannot log on right away, be patient. Have them refresh their screens and they can also write a message in the comments if they are having difficulties accessing the meeting.

 Class Schedule: (NOTE there is no school Thursday – Remembrance Day)

 Monday Nov. 8/15, Tuesday Nov. 9, Wednesday Nov. 10, Friday Nov. 12 – we will start at 9:00 am and most likely go until approximately 10:00/11:00 am: I will go over the day’s work, teach any new concepts which may cover various subjects, and students can ask any questions at this time.

 Monday and Wednesday afternoons they log on again at 1:30-2:30 for us to re-cap the day, participate in an online Socials Lesson, and have our presentations of their Biographies.

 Tuesday and Friday from 2:00-3:00 will be Science with Mrs. McDonald.

 FRENCH with Mme LaFlamme will be Monday from 10:30am – 11:15am.

 If any technical difficulties happen during a Google Meet, message me using the stream or through an assignment.

I look forward to seeing everyone back in class on November 16th.  Stay safe and healthy everyone.


Mrs. Raychelyn Beliveau

Raychelyn Beliveau