October 28th Update from Mr. Borkowski

Families of Star of the Sea School,

Here are a few important reminders for the days ahead…

1) Non-Uniform Day

Friday, October 30th will be a “Halloween Colours” non-uniform day. Please do not send Halloween costumes to school. We will have some fun activities planned for the kids on Friday.

2) Agape Street Ministry Candy

We will be collecting extra candy for Agape Street Ministry again this year. However you choose to celebrate Halloween this year, please consider putting some candy aside and bringing it to school on Monday, November 2nd.

3) PSG Announcement

Did you know that SOS has a Parent Support Group? Every year this group applies for community gaming grants to support our students. The group must consist of parents or guardians of students currently enrolled in the school. BC Gaming determines eligible spending with the primary focus " intended to benefit students

Past spending includes: Hip Hop program, Split Second basketball training, Gr. 6 band books, PE shirts

The current PSG: Wendy Clendenin, Michelle Palm and outgoing member Kathleen Hounsell (whose daughter graduated SOS in June 2020). We are looking for new members. If you would like to know more or would consider joining the group please contact the school office.

4) SJPII Update

SJPII is holding an Information Session on November 19th and an Open House on December 2nd. For more information please click here.

5) Fundraising Donation

Last year SOS families generously donated used books for an Outdoor Ed fundraiser scheduled for May.  We have been waiting patiently for an opportunity to have a school used book sale but for now that is not possible.  Rather than store the books any longer we decided to find an organization that could make use of them right now.  Promise Vancouver runs after school programs in the DTES for vulnerable youth and are very grateful for this donation - so thank you to our school community for their generosity, we are glad that it will support families in need.

6) Changes to Reporting Schedule

An important communication was sent out regarding changes to our schedule for communicating student learning. If you have not already done so, please check it out here.

7) ZOOM Rosary

Star of the Sea Parish has a daily online Rosary that is open to everyone. It takes place at 1:30pm each weekday. If you would like to join in use this link https://zoom.us/j/91424405760

8) This year’s Christmas Concert will be a recorded presentation. Acting parts will be for Grade Seven students only, while all students will have a role to play in the musical performances. For more information click here.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
